If you have Structured Data, then you are finding that the privacy risk analysis is front and center. Join us for a session to discuss options and view demonstrations. Click the links to register for the session!
Structured Data Discovery August 4th - 3:30 Eastern August 5th - 3:30 Eastern Mergers, divestitures, legacy software, compliance - all reasons to decommission an application! BUT - not all data can be treated the same. Join us for a session on the A-B-Cs of retiring applications. A-B-Cs of Application Decommissioning. August 4th - 2:00 Eastern August 5th - 2:00 Eastern Federal Government agencies that are dealing with an increase in paperwork due to the CARES Act from March need to be confident in the location those documents will be secured. Micro Focus Content Manager enables thousands of customers worldwide - including numerous U.S. government orgs - where policy-driven and easy-to-use records management was required. Please join us to begin your Structured Data Discovery journey. We are hosting one of two sessions in July. Learn how your organization can take its first steps to identify and protect sensitive information. Sessions will be have time for questions, and provide live demonstrations. Date 15 JUL 2020 Time 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM EDT Date 16 JUL 2020 Time 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM EDT |
AuthorThe Information First Team Archives
August 2024