Take a look below. If you have read last month's memo from OMB and NARA, there are now deadlines to make sure those records become and stay electronic! Click here if you want to read more from WhiteHouse.gov. What is Appropriate Metadata you ask? Great question, NARA will help answer this by September 30, 2020.
Late last month, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and NARA jointly issued Memorandum M-19-21 that puts a schedule to the end of paper records in the government. The process has been in the works for years as they started with email records in 2016. By 2023, NARA will no longer accept analog records (cue the fireworks)! See the details here. When the compartmental knowledge surrounding physical records can be digitized, people and processes move faster.
AuthorThe Information First Team Archives
January 2025